Absolutely agree. On the other hand, I feel like such an underachiever each time I see something as impressive as this. I just lost another weekend on.. what exactly?
> as (I believe) is the case is for the Mesosphere project
Just to clarify, the developer is correct - Mesosphere runs natively on the switch, and now has 1:1 compatibility with Nintendo's kernel. It can run every commercial game. There have been some intents/attempts to port mesosphere to non-switch hardware, but I don't think anyone has got meaningful results there, yet.
Do those videos work for you? I just get spinners when opening it on Chrome on linux.
I don't browse reddit too often, so I don't know if this is a common thing with reddit videos? can anyone else chime in and let me know whether this is a me-problem or something common?
Imagine how angry Nintendo is going to be when they realize Linux has mainline support for their platform and is therefore directly competing with their console.
Its funny that both of these things happened at almost the same time but reminds me of the chat found earlier today https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32458744 which has some great comments regarding this and the (g)libc relationship.
It's a bit of a shame the author didn't dig more into it, I am pretty sure MoltenVk gives you a reasonably up-to-date Vulkan on Mac, and I've seen progress lately on zink-over-MoltenVk, which should enable OpenGL 4.6 on macos.
On the other hand, that's not really the point of this work.
> It's a bit of a shame the author didn't dig more into it, I am pretty sure MoltenVk gives you a reasonably up-to-date Vulkan on Mac, and I've seen progress lately on zink-over-MoltenVk, which should enable OpenGL 4.6 on macos.
Whilst true I don't think there's any way to use that to get better graphics support in a Linux VM - for that you're going to be at the mercy of either VMWare or Parallels. QEMU doesn't do 3D acceleration on macOS hosts AFAIK.
Nintendo abused the DMCA system to take down videos of Switch emulation before. They've hired private investigators to go after and intimidate modders.
Their legal team knows that with their excessive legal funds they don't need to care about what the law allows them to do, their lawyers and henchmen can simply bleed their targets dry and make them give up.
They're a terrible company that happens to make some fun games.
Is there an open platform with an ARM processor that has the same caliber of hardware performance / efficiency of M1? If so, I'd rather use that with Linux instead of Apple's locked-down hardware. But as far as I can tell no one except Apple can make performant & light laptops that run cool without a fan.
There are no true open platforms. And we are trending towards them being more closed, with Apple leading the charge. For the good of yourself, and future generations, you should not financially support companies that lock things down.
Especially not for pointless goal posts/metrics like whether or not it has a fan.
You think heat and power management is a pointless goal?
Technology should be made as a contribution to humanity.
But it should also solve problems and make lives easier for its users. A thin and light laptop that consumes a fraction of power and generates a fraction of heat does exactly that.
I love FOSS for its contributions to humanity and its capability to be practical. But open hardware is often not. It's usually terribly expensive, very inconvenient or simply badly executed.
At some point, being blind to the advancements from a closed platform becomes being blind to people's needs and ending up lost in a cloud of ideology.
Back then, an advantage of Linux against other Unixes was being able to run in a domestic IBM PC Clone. Which, at the time, was the "small fan computer" at least compared to big mainframes running commercial Unix
As I underdtood it, not yet, but possibly at some point in the future! See the Reddit thread someone else linked, the dev goes into some detail on the current state.