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You check for if(promiseMap.get(key)) and in the NO case you do promiseMap.delete(key)?

Could you explain why that's necessary? (sorry probs a stupid question)

So if the promise still exists, that means that there is an active call out for a promise using this key already, so we'll just return it. We know this because when the function that is executing finishes, we delete the promise from the map.

A purpose of this might be, let's say you rebuild some structure very frequently, like hundreds of times per second or whatever. You can call this function for a given key as many times as you want while that async process is executing, and it will only execute it once, always returning the same promise.

I’m the no case, the promise is created, and then deleted after the function is resolved.

I’m not entirely sure of the use of this pattern where your using a map and deleting the keys as you go - seems like you’d end up doing more work kinda randomly depending on how the keys were added. I’d just relive the whole map when I was done with it.

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