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I'm on a Spring project, and the devs seem to do all the variables in this superLongVerboseHardToReadStyle.

Most of my work is Python/JavaScript/PHP, and in all three cases, the dev culture is mostly about short, succinct variable names.

So what is it about Java that makes developers tend toward these incredibly verbose variables? It makes it impossible to produce templates with reasonable line lengths sometimes, especially after adding on JSTL directives.

I guess it's twoo things: first, It's a common thing in java to somehow work the role a class plays in a design pattern into the class name, and the second is that variable names often reflect the type (class name), so there you go. Love it, hate it or go out and have some fun...

I think it's mostly a misreading of software best practices. Descriptive does not imply verbose (and vice versa), but many people don't see the distinction.

Java SE / EE, methinks. After a while, a variable that's only 30 characters long feels small and insignificant compared to its type (AbstractThreadsafeSimpleMailTransferProtocolProxyFactoryInterface).

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