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What are you talking about?

The basic text -- 12 px Arial? -- is pretty standard. I'm sure I'm not the only person who read it without issue.

But what's more -- unlike most things I read online -- this essay even has text that's much bigger!, darker!, blue-er!, and illustration-y! where appropriate.

That's perhaps the most snide, trollish, unimportant pot shot I've ever seen here. Don't blame the author because your own display resolution is apparently too fine to support your eyesight.

It's a web font, PT Sans, it ends up being smaller than Arial or Helvetica because of the awkward smoothing.

kitsune, I think you have identified the issue. It might look better on a different platform. I'm stuck on Windows XP at work (and yes, I do have Clear Type turned on.)

I stand by my criticism of the font choice as rendered. I went in with Google Chrome Inspector and turned off the font and the color and was much happier with the result.

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