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Why would it be? It's the same as the GPL, only difference is: modified version sources must be available to remote-network-interaction users. I don't see what's restrictive for business.

If you go and sell somebody a hosting solution based on Nimbus, you'd need to share your source code.

What I'm not sure of, is if you build, say, a photo sharing webapp using Nimbus as the storage back-end, does your webapp become AGPL by linking? I'm fairly certain GPL would require this, but, as per the rationale for AGPL, you don't care about that when you run a webapp.

Curiously, if Nimbus adopted the exact S3 API instead of "similar to", it would not constitute linking, as it's using a standard interface.

AGPL uses the same definition of linking as GPL so communication over a network API to a storage backend is not linking.


Ah, thanks for that. I was under the impression that the bar for linking across the network was rather higher.

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