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UI is the easy part. The listings that are accurate, honest and up to date are hard. Do you want to become a real estate company as well, hire your own agents, pick up the phones, take customers for the visits and so on? Or you need to provide a service that these companies (and some landlords, perhaps) want to use, in the right way.

Why would they give you out the exact address? A competing real estate company (not one, three, more) would immediately contact the landlord and offer him a better deal. Why would you list the price correctly, if you can hide some additional fees in the comment, stay 'technically' correct and look more attractive in the search?

I work on a service like this, we are quite rich (well, as a company, I'm just an employee), but we really can't do what you want. I'd like to, I don't like to use the service much, it's not bad itself, but it doesn't help you from dealing with the real estate agents and if I say that they are all liars and frauds, I'm not exaggerating at all.

(But we're in eastern Europe, things are perhaps different in America.)

What you describe sounds like an industry based on a pre-internet business model, waiting to be disrupted.

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