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I feel like wankerpanzer sounds a little bit better ... wankpanzer makes me think of a special tank you enter to jerk off.

Following the link for “wankpuffin” (beautiful word, btw), apparently the one-syllable followed by two-syllable construction is a distinct pattern, called a “shitgibbon” (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/shitgibbon)

Noun shitgibbon (plural shitgibbons)

2. (linguistics) A type of antibacchic compound word used as an insult, consisting of a single-syllable expletive, followed by an absurd or innocuous two-syllable noun as a trochee.


> a special tank you enter to jerk off.

feels rather insulting to me. It’s not exactly something I would want to be associated with.

That does fit the noun-noun compound pattern better than just "wank". To me though they will always be Canyoneros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI_Jl5WFQkA

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