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MEGA: Malleable Encryption Goes Awry (mega-awry.io)
168 points by tptacek on June 21, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 85 comments

> MEGA can recover a user's RSA private key by maliciously tampering with 512 login attempts.

I think this attack is really interesting and novel, but 512 login attempts is pretty high. I have a Mega account and I think I've logged in less than 50 times in the entire lifetime of my account, including when it was still controlled by Kim Dotcom. If you're an interesting enough target to use this on, I don't see why the Mega server that delivers the javascript for encryption can't be compromised instead, and just harvest the passphrase when it's submitted to login the first time?

I don't know what you'd have to do to convince someone to login 512 times via social engineering, either. Presumably, a user who is dedicated and uses the service on a daily basis might hit this through normal usage in a year and a half? That's definitely plausible, but how many users are initiating new logins each time? How many will just stay logged into the app and never login?

I guess for some percentage of people (e.g., people who are logging in each time via Tails, and do it twice a day) this attack is acutely viable, but it surely can't be all users.

512 login attempts is nothing. The Bleichenbacher'98 padding oracle attack is sometimes called "the million message attack", and it's one of the more practical crypto attacks --- I've been on projects that deployed that attack adversarially to accomplish things.

These are apparently login attempts visible to the user.

To conceal them might be possible in some cases, but requires tampering suspiciously with public source client-side apps

The server can just accept the SID the client "decrypted" with the malicious RSA key, and run the attack over time. This is right there in the paper.

This isn't a cryptosystem, it's a CTF level.

Put simply: this attack required the user to enter the password 512 times[0]

[0] https://mega-awry.io/#questions

Put simply: this attack required the user to log in 512 times, ever.

You don't have to take my word for it; that's how Mega summarizes the attack in their response.

The point is this exploit, according to the researchers, required massive and unusual manual intervention by the user, so it's very different from the other exploit you mentioned that involves millions of auth attempts

From the link I just posted, written by the researchers:

'Nevertheless, on the clients that we analyzed, all attacks would have required a substantial number of manual login attempts (i.e., the user entering the password). Since clients usually cache the credentials, users often stay logged in, minimizing the number of logins performed and thereby increasing the difficulty of the attacks.'

That's his/her point, right?

  >  I have a Mega account and I think I've logged 
  > in less than 50 times in the entire lifetime of my account...
I also have a Mega account, and my experience is the same.

You know a million times more about cryptography than me, but it doesn't change the fact that I, personally, am not compromised by an attack that requires me to log in that many times.

That's not very many if "remember me" feature is broken and you use the service a lot. I suspect that there are non-malicious services i use where i have entered my password 500 times.

Even if its a lot given average user behaviour, that's an incredibly low margin for safety

If you have a personal and a school/work around on Microsoft platforms, and you use them daily, I bet you can be asked to log in 500 times in a couple of week of intense use. And each time you'll be asked if you want them to "remember you"!

Sure, but I mean, this whole line of discussion is sort of brain-breaking. When we reason about cryptosystems, we don't generally reach the question of "how many hundreds of times can you log in before the system permanently loses all of its security". That's not like, a figure of merit in a typical cryptosystem; the right (and ordinary) answer to that question is "practically infinite".

You've picked a sort of strange hill to die on when you find yourself arguing that a system is in practical terms secure because it's unlikely you're going to log in enough times to trip the bug that coughs up your private keys. If you have to compute the number of times you can safely log in, something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.

I completely argree, I was just using the chance to vent about how much I hate Microsoft logins.

I've used corporate systems which made u login every visit (multiple times a day for me, 5 days a week), I've seen government systems do it, there might be a surprising number of targets where 512 attempts is effective

> I have a Mega account and I think I've logged in less than 50 times in the entire lifetime of my account, including when it was still controlled by Kim Dotcom.

Same experience here. I've logged in maybe once per year, if it suddenly started asking me to login every time I used it, it would be a huge red flag.

Mega controls the client side too, right? So when you put your password into the app, they can make 512 logins right then.

They could also just upload the password and the key material, so in the end this is about them being able to do it in a way that isn't obvious to everyone looking at the network tab, which is the real issue being pointed out.

Their MEGAsync client is open source at least.

Are the binaries reproducibly built?

Yeah, with `emerge -av` or `nix build`

I'm talking about the binaries offered by the Mega website. Can they be trusted as the product of the open source build?

Nope, but why to use binaries if you may not?

No they don't, unless you use their website.

This speaks volumes about the need of standardized encrypted cloud storage protocols.

It always surprises me how fragmented the entire space is: Syncthing "untrusted devices" support is still experimental, Nextcloud does support encryption, but it's hard to judge how trustworthy it is. Gocryptfs and ecryptfs should be solid, but they are hard to use in a browser or on mobile. Resilio, Borg, Tarsnap, EteSync -- yet more protocols, and without clear security analyses.

Same holds for commercial cloud operators: support for client-side encryption is starting to appear (Google Drive), but without an open, standardized client you still need to trust software from the cloud provider, which mostly defies the point of encrypting in the first place.

Resilio, Borg, Tarsnap, EteSync -- yet more protocols, and without clear security analyses.

I did analyse the security of Tarsnap as I was writing it, for what it's worth.

Tarsnap does not actually look bad. But any client-to-server protocol that is not TLS1.3 will make cryptographers twitch, and (as noted in the documentation pages) compression is bound to offer a side-channel attack (if only an impractical one, with hundreds of queries per recovered byte).

Using TLS makes this particular cryptographer twitch.

Not GP, but a wannabe level 3 [1] cryptographer.

Why does TLS make you twitch? Does that apply to TLS 1.3?

[1]: https://loup-vaillant.fr/articles/rolling-your-own-crypto

TLS 1.3 is definitely better than previous versions. Note however that it wasn't published until 2018; Tarsnap's transport layer has been in use since 2007, before even TLS 1.2 was published. If I had used TLS at the time, it would have been TLS 1.1. Hopefully you agree that would have been a bad thing?

I mean, TLS 1.1 isn't a good thing, but which <TLS1.3 bugs actually would have impacted Tarsnap? SMACK, maybe? Probably not POODLE, given the ciphersuites you'd have locked down to. Not BERserk (you'd never use NSS). The TLS BB'98 attacks didn't hit any library you'd actually use. No Triple Handshake, since you wouldn't do renegotiation. No BREACH, TIME or CRIME (they don't fit Tarsnap anyways). No RC4 (lol). No Lucky13, for the same reason as no POODLE. No BEAST, because you don't do Javascript. And now we're back to 2007 (or pre-2007) for attacks on TLS.

It's possible that I could have taken TLS 1.1 and removed all the broken parts, sure. I mean, that's pretty much what TLS 1.3 is.

But frankly I trust my ability -- both now and in 2007 -- to use standard cryptographic algorithms to build a new protocol far more than I trust my ability to remove all the crap from TLS 1.1.

(Did you deliberately not mention heartbleed?)

Heartbleed isn't a TLS vulnerability any more than an overflow in GnuTLS is.

The threshold question is, "could this vulnerability be reasonably expected to recur in independent implementations of the protocol?"

As for stripping back TLS 1.1 --- it wouldn't take much more than simply picking a single ciphersuite and requiring TLS 1.1. You wouldn't need to know, for instance, about export ciphers.

That seems like the wrong question. My options were "write my own protocol" or "use openSSL" -- writing my own TLS stack was never on the table.

Right, I get that, but you could have done the two config things I just mentioned with OpenSSL.

I get why you didn't use OpenSSL. The normal thing for someone like you to do in 2022 would be to use Noise.

What are real world implementations of the Noise Protocol? https://github.com/noiseprotocol/noise_spec/blob/v34/noise.m...

Quick search shows WireGuard protocol, but I am not sure if how much of the WireGuard protocol is the same as the Noise Protocol.

https://www.wireguard.com/formal-verification/ https://www.wireguard.com/papers/wireguard-formal-verificati...

  The WireGuard protocol is extensively detailed in [2], which itself is based on the NoiseIK [3] handshake.

I found a page by Duo Labs listing Noise in Production.


  Noise is used today in several high-profile projects:
    WhatsApp uses the "Noise Pipes" construction from the specification to perform encryption of client-server communications
    WireGuard, a modern VPN, uses the Noise IK pattern to establish encrypted channels between clients
    Slack's Nebula project, an overlay networking tool, uses Noise
    The Lightning Network uses Noise
    I2P uses Noise

There's a bunch of them, but part of the point of Noise is to be extremely prescriptive in order to simplify implementation. WireGuard is based on Noise, but has a lot more than just Noise in it.

Yes, of course. I was just confused because it seemed like you were saying that even the new version of TLS was bad.

>This speaks volumes about the need of standardized encrypted cloud storage protocols

I worry this then just means government actors only will need to find 1 vulnerability to have open access to a standardized web and those vulnerabilities will exist, nothing is perfect. I genuinely believe a non-standardized approach is more effective even if they are each more vulnerable individually.

Android presents a decent corollary here vs iOS. Finding an iOS device exploit may cost more money but you get access to such a massive amount of devices it is worth it.

This isn't how cryptography engineers think about cryptography. It isn't like a PHP program, where there's inevitably going to be some bug found somewhere, and you do what you can to find as many as you can and react responsibly when more are found later; cryptography engineers use formal methods (among other things) to foreclose on vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities documented in this paper are "own goals", not cryptographic inevitabilities.

For instance, the weird authentication scheme that gives rise to the RSA key recovery attack --- that problem is what PAKEs are for.

>This isn't how cryptography engineers think about cryptography.

That is my point exactly, it should be how they think about it. Attacks to the cryptography math itself are only a single vector, the software implementation of it is going to have holes not to mention those beyond it from the hardware at the chip level to the firmware that runs it there are vulnerabilities well outside the math itself.

These are cryptography researchers, talking about cryptography vulnerabilities. The premise, both of the paper and to the comment upthread, is: we should have fewer cryptography vulnerabilities, and could accomplish that by not having people come up with random authentication and key escrow protocols.

I'd argue the opposite actually. Device owners pay a much higher cost in maintaining multiple, incompatible, devices that each require their own procedure to upgrade, means of notification, etc.

In addition a lot of security when things are fragmented tends to become "security through obscurity". Something that is a small player in a market can still have all sorts of issues that a state-funded actor can find via analysis and exploit. It's also much less likely to have a public actor find and disclose the issue due to the small install base.

Nextcloud's E2E encryption is at best very half baked, with very limited features.

They make it look like its designed as a core part of the product on the website, while in reality its an after thought and its behind on updates too.

As good as Nextcloud sometimes is, a parts of it feel very legacy and unmaintained.

I completely agree, that was one of our main goals with Etebase (protocol behind EteSync).

For whatever it's worth, we had an external analysis of the protocol done recently at EteSync. Though even before it, we (intentionally) only used known and common primitives (from libsodium) to ensure that we have a solid base from both the cryptographic schemes, and the actual implementations.

Restic had some professional cryptanalysis, and was very well received.

rclone already provides such a client and it is fully open source. In general, to have a zero-trust system, you need to have client and server developed by independent parties.

Reminds me of Telegram’s ad-hoc design with so many primitives lashed together without any engineering or analysis. “More crypto” in your implementation is rarely better for security.

This is a great teaching example for the “don’t roll your own crypto” proponents.

The same research group working on the Telegram MTProto security analysis is behind these attacks on MEGA!

(I should add: disclosure, I work there too.)

Interesting! While you're here, is there anything you can add to the general debate about Telegram's crypto design? I see a lot of people here disparaging it, but nothing really from Telegram to explain what choices were made or why.

To put it in Igor's words, it is like "somebody baked a cake following a recipe, but without ever having tasted or seen a real cake".

The crypto design is brittle, but the practical attacks are somewhat limited. The reason why it's so disparaged by cryptographers it because it ignores several decades of cryptographic advances -- the whole saga of attacks on SSL / TLS<=1.2 taught us that key separation and clear protocol composition boundaries are important, but Telegram fails disastrously at these. Security proofs should be made before a protocol is used, not as an afterthought.

The real reason why I would not recommend Telegram is that chats (by default) and group chats (by necessity) are not encrypted. Telegram's servers will be eventually breached by someone. A malicious actor will be hired as a software engineer, or as an intern. When this happens, all you ever wrote in Telegram will be a plaintext at their disposal -- unacceptable in 2022, and post-Snowden.

I think this level of key management is relatively simple for a production application. There are not really too many pieces and certainly no unnecessary steps (the mitigation recommendation was to add more keys, not fewer).

The interesting part is really just the first step - starting with a user's password, to statically derive a service-authentication key and a data-encryption key that the service provider ostensibly never sees.

At $DAYJOB we independently came up with this same zero-knowledge solution too, using slightly different primitives. Ideally there'd be some well-reviewed zero-footgun nacl.SecretBox()-style thing for this use case, but there simply isn't.

Cryptographers say "don't roll your own," but there is a real poverty of well designed clean easy to use cryptographic libraries that provide well designed building blocks with clear instructions or fully baked well designed protocols. Most cryptographic libraries are arcane and hard to use, and the user experience around things like TLS certificate management is horrible.

Most people face a choice between rolling their own crypto or not using it at all.

Is this true, or is it true of people who don't want to use libsodium, Ring, the Go Seal/Unseal AEAD interface, or KMS because it doesn't feel as cool as inventing your own authentication proof protocol?


Can you provide a link? That one's hard to Google.

I'm not super entirely clear on how this whole Mega system works, and maybe you understand it better, but is there a reason they couldn't have just run an Augmented PAKE between the client and the server to establish authentication and create a cryptographically secure transport for recovering key blobs, and then used any key-wrap encryption, like AES-SIV, based on any KDF of a password --- ideally a second password --- to encrypt the node keys themselves?

There is a whole hellacious amount of mechanism in this protocol that doesn't seem necessary at all. I don't know if doing it simply would involve more keys or less keys but it would certainly seem to involve fewer concepts and less ad-hoc invention --- PAKEs are a solved problem, KDFs are a solved problem, key-wrap encryption is a solved problem.

Instead they came up with unpadded RSA, ECB-encrypted key blobs, a single shared key for all the blobs, a post-back proof that is just that broken RSA piped directly back to the server. I don't know, seems pretty bad?

There's a secure channel here (TLS) and then the blob encryption all happens clientside, so i don't think a PAKE-type solution is less mechanism, but i do recognize your expertise on that. Where do you think it would fit in?

Backup and sync-type software has the interesting engineering requirement that it is expected for the user's device to get completely lost/stolen/wiped, so any key material must be reproducible from the user's password.

Password -> KDF(1) gives you a password-alike: used for logins, server treats this kdf output as a password and stores a bcrypt/argon hash of it, as you would normally expect from a run-of-the-mill webapp.

The client generates a random data encryption key; seals it with the password; and then submits the sealed version to be stored in the user's profile on the web server.

The web server can't unseal the original data encryption key without the original password, and it never sees that, only the KDF(1) version of it.

That's all they've really done here. There is one more level of key indirection for the blobs themselves that i think is irrelevant but maybe useful for key rotation. Totally agree that unpadded RSA and ECB suck as primitives - they were bad choices then, they are bad choices now, and AEAD is a no-brainer upgrade (EDIT: and would close the post-back oracle) - but aside from picking better primitives the mechanism really does seem okay to me. I'd love to hear more from you though,

I'm a little lost, because what they came up with is a complicated and naive key proof that allowed attackers to recover the RSA key. There was no code that already implemented this weird ECB key-wrap and RSA key-proof scheme they came up with; they had to write it all themselves, rather than just grabbing a PAKE and an AEAD from a library. And the consequence of them doing that was that they had key recovery attacks like three levels deep.

You'd need to implement SIV in the browser yourself, not sure if that's a good idea either. Subtle crypto has support for AES-based key wrapping, but AES-GCM seems to be good enough for most cases, even AWS uses that to protect master keys in AWS KMS [1]. Using augmented PAKE for authentication would be nice of course, but that needs to implemented manually in the browser as well. In my understanding it also requires providing the server with a separate user ID, which you would either need to derive from the password or store with the download link.

I think if you have a download link of the form https://foo.bar/#abcdef... you can simply put a large random value there (e.g. 128 bit), use HKDF to derive an ID and an encryption key, use the ID (shared with the server) to store/fetch encrypted data on/from the server and the key (not shared with the server) to encrypt/decrypt it on the client side. This would assume that the ID transmitted to the server over a secure channel and that brute-forcing of IDs to download encrypted data is not practical. Such a scheme would not be secure though if you derived the ID and key from a user-provided password, as the server could then brute-force the password from the ID the client provides.

1: https://rwc.iacr.org/2018/Slides/Gueron.pdf

> well-reviewed zero-footgun nacl.SecretBox()-style thing for this use case, but there simply isn't.

You'd be surprised, but I've seen designers who managed to shoot themselves in the feet with SecretBox() calls alone. Anything more complex than using a library that does the crypto for you calls for an external/crypto team review.

MTProto 2 uses standard primitives. I'd also like to point out that not "rolling your own crypto" falls apart the moment you ask who rolled whoever's "blessed" crypto. How this trite saying ever got any traction without pushback is beyond me.

It does? From Telegram's documentation, it looks like it's still using AES IGE. Telegram, meanwhile, can as far as I understand it encrypt only one-to-one private messages, not groups, and does so on an opt-in basis, in part because their "standard primitives" don't support the usage model of modern secure messengers, which do multiple levels of cryptographic ratcheting using actually-standard KDFs, hashes, authenticated ciphers, and authenticated elliptic curve key exchanges.

Further, outside of Signal, whose authors won the RWC Levchin Prize for their design work, the other modern secure messengers essentially don't roll their own: they draft off the design work Signal did. Which is a good thing for their users. The alternative course, of coming up with your own special snowflake crypto, gets you papers like the one we're commenting on.

For all the disparaging MTProto gets, it still hasn’t ever been broken in practice.

That doesn’t mean it was a great idea for them to pseudo-‘roll their own’, but it doesn’t deserve the vehement hatred that is constantly poured over it.

For all the disparaging Mega got, it hadn't been broken until today.

The Telegram protocol I’m so critical of was v1 which included DH, RSA, AES in IGE mode, and SHA1. All used in random ways with key sub setting, reuse of some key bits for multiple purposes, etc.


I honestly haven’t looked into anything newer from Telegram because it was pretty clearly a tire-fire and Signal was already a thing.

Kim Dotcom (the estranged founder of MEGA) has confirmed this and claims the backdoors were added purposefully due to the new owner's plea deal with CCP authorities.


Yeah, he's making that up.



>>The company has suffered from a hostile takeover by a Chinese investor who is wanted in China for fraud. He used a number of straw-men and businesses to accumulate more and more Mega shares. Recently his shares have been seized by the NZ government. Which means the NZ government is in control. In addition Hollywood has seized all the Megashares in the family trust that was setup for my children.

I built a CLI to encrypt files and sync them with MEGA, so only encrypt data is stored on the server, which I control the key locally.

The filenames are stored as uuid in a local sqlite dB.

This runs on the mega.nz api

They are the cheapest storage service.

MEGA's response looks good. https://blog.mega.io/mega-security-update/

Does it? Here's what they say:

    Who could have exploited the vulnerability?
    Very few: An attacker would have had to first gain control over the
    heart of MEGA’s server infrastructure or achieve a successful
    man-in-the-middle attack on the user’s TLS connection to MEGA.
Here's what they probably should be saying:

    Who could have exploited the vulnerability?
    We could have.

You all really need to read this paper, because it is hilarious. It's honestly hard to believe Mega could have come up with this bizarre jungle gym of a cryptanalyst puzzle.

You're the client, and you have a bucket of keys: keys for files, keys for chat, more keys for chat, &c. You encrypt them all with AES-ECB† under a "master key" which is in turn encrypted under a key derived from PBKDF2, so you can upload them to a server without revealing them to the server.

So the server has all these keys that you encrypted. You've got your password. Now you want to log in.

So what you do is you send an identifier (PKBDF2-derived from your password) to the server†. They look you up and they send you back one of those keys you uploaded before, the encrypted RSA key, along with a session ID encrypted under that RSA key. The idea is, you have the password and so you can decrypt the RSA key (by deriving the master key), and then decrypt the session ID and post it back to them so they know you're you.

The problem is these encrypted key blobs aren't authenticated; they're just the ECB ciphertext of the keys. And they do, like, no checking at all on them. So when they send you this RSA key blob (ostensibly the blob you sent them before, but of course, the server is malicious and so they tamper with it), they're just sending ECB(mk, [p, q, d, qInv, pad]) --- with that 4-tuple being length-delimited. The client just ECB-decrypts the blob and then makes sure it got 4 values.

So the first half of this paper is just 3 cryptographers doing stunt cryptography by randomizing qInv, the RSA CRT coefficient. The client obliviously uses whatever ECB decrypts here, and better yet, it uses it to perform an RSA operation on another ciphertext the server gets to choose, and better still, it then posts back the partial result of that encryption, so the server can see what happened and guess what to do next. And better yet, that RSA decryption is done with no meaningful padding: they just stick the session ID into a blob of zeroes; they don't even verify the padding, they just assume the session ID is the 43 bytes starting at offset 2 of the RSA plaintext, and ignore everything else.

They start by recovering the RSA key itself. They do this by recovering q, the first factor of the key. They can do this because by corrupting qInv and strategicially choosing RSA-encrypted session IDs, they can get back a session ID that is 0 if their current guess if below q, and nonzero if it's above q. A 1023-step binary search gets you q; you can get it down to 512 guesses using a lattice search that, as someone pointed out, is definitely going to be in a CTF level next year, now that scenarios like this can't be dunked on as entirely, ridiculously contrived. (From q you can quickly recover the rest of the key).

But this isn't even the craziest part. The craziest part is that all these other keys, a key per file or directory, are also encrypted under the same master key as that RSA key is. So when the server sends you the encrypted RSA key and blob encrypted under that RSA key, you can ECB-swap in blocks of other keys with carefully chosen session IDs to set up oracles to recover the other keys, based on how the client's RSA behaves with fucky qInv values. "We believe it to be an entirely novel kind of attack", they say. And to that I say, no shit it's novel, it's so novel Mega probably should have gotten an authorship credit on this paper: Backendal, Haller, Paterson, and Mega. They couldn't have done it --- or even thought of it --- without Mega.

Truly wonderful stuff.

I know, I know, ECB, you can see penguins through it, but they're encrypting keys, which are fully random --- I mean, you assume they're fully random but just keep reading --- so it's not like completely unprecedented to see ECB here.

†† This is already terrible! All your security is that password, and they can attack it from this value!

> An adversary could push an update to MEGA’s clients such that they transparently re-negotiate a new session ID (SID) on every new access.

They could also push an update which leaks the client-side keys directly?

Interesting point. Using the python client I can rack up 50+ logins in a day.

Because each time I update a file the watchdog updates the cloud version, logging in then logging off after.

You don't have to worry about it if you use Gocryptfs.

Is this a European service? I have never heard about this.

Megaupload was formally a hong kong-based company originally, then its successor company Mega was started in... New Zealand, I think? Hence the .nz

It's a service for pirates and other people who want to share content that would get pulled from services that can (trivially) view users' files

It's a cloud storage service, –like Dropbox, Google Drive etc– for regular people and businesses.

Their value proposition, is providing client-side encryption to their customers so they can protect their data in-transit and at rest. MEGA's job is to make it as unlikely as possible, and as expensive as possible for a threat actor to successfully thwart their value proposition. Vulnerabilities will always be discovered. Blessed practices will be superseded. This is normal.

In the consumer/end-user space, their storage to price ratio is great. Not counting plain mass storage filesystems for enterprise/development, I still hasn't found something better.

No. Cryptographic design vulnerabilities like this are not normal.

Lmao imagine that. However mega brands itself its still mostly a cyberlocker for shady content and of leaks. Nobody uses it for security.

Still interesting research tho.

I know doctors who have (legally) shared medical images with it, because it offers much more storage than other providers and works everywhere in a browser. It is also far, far better than the "proper" channels. Similarly, I've received work-related files on it from "official big dog" people in "big companies". It's got a following beyond piracy (but because they don't post links online, you probably haven't heard about it as much).

It would presumably be a fairly lax data protection jurisdiction where storing medical data on Mega is lawful. They don’t seem to be HIPAA compliant, anyway.

Yeah the "attack" is a bit out there when it's broadly assumed that the point of MEGA's encryption isn't to protect users' data, it's to protect MEGA from the insinuation that it might know what data its service is being used to store, much of which is, of course, content that no right-thinking company could store in good conscience. Good thing MEGA can't know what the users are doing.

Just, I guess, take it under advisement for what designs don't work if you actually care about protecting user data.

I've always sort of assumed (although I should be clear that this is 100% speculation), that given his widely reported legal trouble, the fact that he isn't in jail, and the fact that MEGA is basically branded as "wink not wink for doing crimes," that MEGA was pretty likely to be a law enforcement honeypot.

I better appreciate the importance of the authenticated encryption with this attack!

The data of 0.25 billion users could quite easily be decrypted by whoever had access to MEGA’s systems (including governments and MEGA).

It also shows the importance of open source code. I suspect there are far more vulnerabilities and backdoors in closed source proprietary software.

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