I've run my blog for 21 years. I took an accidental 10 year hiatus and I've been polishing it up recently to get back into it.
It used to be really popular to promote your RSS feed. Might have just been the circles I swam in, but people knew what to do with it. I've maintained this big orange RSS symbol in my main navigation and I wonder: Does anybody actually know what to do with this now?
Firefox used to offer subscription options but I don't see anything in the navbar any more. If you click the symbol on my page, you just see an ugly page of XML.
In the vain hope that somebody might want to see what I'm writing and be notified about it, how do I enable this? Do I have to post updates on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and etc, etc?
I've been consuming RSS for all this time but the rest of the world seems to have moved on. Feeling pretty old right now.
My blog, just in case, https://thepcspy.com
There's a solution for both issues: apply styling and add explanation to your RSS feed. Here's mine:
It's based on this solution (adjusted for Atom feeds):