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Comprehensive is an accurate adjective. I occasionally try out different WM / DEs and always end up back at enlightenment. There are plenty on the list I've missed before. When I had a 3D monitor, I wanted to try a 3D WM. I didn't in getting one to run.

From the beginning, there has never been a cooler WM than Enlightenment. It brings back such great nostalgic memories of tweaking it for hours. Running CD ripping stuff, a Perl script for grabbing album artwork, and LAME encoding was my typical jam in 1998. In those days, I think I was running it on top of Gnome or something. These days, I've installed it a few times but, I've gotten old. I now am in the Honda Accord phase of life... so I just use whatever Gnome release is the latest.

I loved back in my Slackware/Gentoo days. But the last time I tried to run Linux on the desktop (on bare metal, in particular), I wanted to play with CentOS (just before the big changes). I ended up having to compile it from scratch, when was a fun challenge given that I was used to everything but RHEL-based distros.

But a bunch of stuff was broken, and it was clear that Enlightenment had tried to reimplement a bunch of apps a la KDE/Gnome, and that development had stalled out. And that running a complex WM like that without a blessing from your package manager was a pain in the ass.

So I installed GNOME.

Nowadays, I just run Windows...

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