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Fortran Assembly Program (FAP) for the IBM 709/7090 (1961) (computerhistory.org)
40 points by abrax3141 on May 31, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Adding the date would be relevant - the linked document is from 1961!

Concepts like the ones described in the "Extended Machine Operations" and "Pseudo-operations" sections (start around page 16) are a lot more impressive in that light; designing a system for expressiveness and programmer convenience over pure utility was still a very new idea.

Impressive page layout for a paper from 1961!

It's a printed manual. They did have typesetting back then. I like the wide margins with subheadings in them. I bet a lot of copies got written in.

It was probably typeset by typing it on an IBM Executive typewriters which had proportional spacing and a carbon ribbon.


An earlier assembler for the same system was called SCAT[1].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_700/7000_series#FORTRAN_as...

If only it could be used on Fast Access Remote Terminals...

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