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Ask HN: Is there a Chromium Distribution for Game console portability?
2 points by pipeline_peak on May 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I was looking into web development and wondering if there was anything like Electron but with the focus of Games solely rather than apps. Electron can probably handle gaming, but people always complain over how much of a resource hog it is, and I don’t think it runs on Switch.

Something that could allow JS/webGL games to run on any console that supports said framework.

There are game-tailored browsers like Ultralight (https://github.com/ultralight-ux/ultralight) but they generally assume that they're only hosting the user interface, not the entire game.

I suspect that the major hurdle stopping "Electron for game consoles" is that the console SDKs are under NDAs - you'd have to verify that the users are registered console developers or provide a porting service yourself (as many porting houses do).

However, Microsoft do allow packaging HTML5/JS games as UWP apps, and testing them on the Xbox Series (and the Xbox One) with the Dev Mode: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/xbox-apps/devel...

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