Spoiler: rant.
I don't know what happened exactly but I'm pretty sure it's the lack of dislike stats, that now my suggestions and home page of youtube is filled, and I mean FILLEDDD!, with videos that have 4k stock clips, catchy title, but completely lacking in content. Misleading 100%. Not 1, not 2, but like 8/10 videos are now garbage stock footage with bs commentary over nothing.
Nasa just discovered truth about solar system!?!?!?!
Science has progressed a lot in last 100 years....
So and so first discovered pluto in 1xxx
Mayans used to think balbala...
Some historians think....
Now scientist finally have answered....
New evidence (2014 research) shows there might be a planet ...
No explanation of study because you know it actually requires some comprehension...
Insert failed attempt at humor...
Leave a comment on your thoughts..
Same script, like 8th grade essay you didn't study for, but multiplied by 100x.
We knew it was gonna ruin youtube, people told youtube it was gonna ruin it, and now exactly that happened. Click baity videos with nice stock footage that is barely relevant and half assed 'answers'.
And by everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE. The account has over 2 million videos. Approximately 0.2% of ALL videos on the ENTIRE platform of YouTube can be attributed to this account, and if you check now they've probably uploaded a few videos in the past couple minutes. The videos are generated crap, ripped from tech forums. Normally you wouldn't see it anywhere due to dislikes being easy to spot, but now they pop up all the time in search results due to dislikes becoming a sort of "hidden feature".
Hiding dislikes = less people press dislike (no feedback) = low quality videos are much harder to get rid of in search results. It's really, really bad.