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You Don’t Need a UI Framework (smashingmagazine.com)
15 points by busymom0 on May 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I tend to always build my css from scratch for each project, directly and live in the developer console.

I just dislike frameworks doing "something" that still needs manual adjustment half of the time, while the resulting css is convoluted and unreadable.

The good thing about writing your own css is that you can structure the stylesheet(s) in a way that makes sense for the project, and you can get quite fast with it. The CSS for a typical small website takes me roughly half a day including mobile and desktop variants.

That’s what I prefer doing too. I develop for iOS and do web dev and try to avoid third party frameworks as much as possible for small things or things which can easily be done with native stuff/vanilla js/css from scratch.

Honorable mention frameworks like Chakra that have minimal styling but have many quality of life features. At the end of the day I find there’s a trade off with the new benefits of tailwind like or reactive styling of components with an sx prop. I also think that react has the issue of being harder to customize than Vue which has scoped slots.

I am not sure I agree with this for complex webapps. But I do see many brochure websites and news websites that incorporate megabytes of JavaScript and CSS to display text — and I wonder why all that client-side code is necessary.

The more complex the app, the more it makes sense to not a UI framework.

Just came to the same conclusion after many frustrations with mui-core. Honestly wouldn't mind even building a modal from scratch now.

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