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Ask HN: What should I do if I miss my 83(b)?
2 points by ryanbrwr on April 27, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I incorporated with clerky in September of 2021 but stopped working on the company until around a month ago. I now realized that I never filed my 83(b) election. I haven't vested yet, and haven't raised or made any money. Do I really have to hire a startup lawyer at $1000 / hr to mend this? Should I just dissolve the C Corp and make a new one?


Speak to your accountant Lawyers are sometimes reluctant to give tax advice

Unfortunately this is a startup lol, I don't have an accountant or a lawyer.

I get what you mean but the cost of getting this wrong far exceeds the cost of an accountant’s advice on this. See if you have a CPA in your network you can talk to or even contract one for a couple hundred bucks

IANAL but I don’t think failure to report 83(b) this early is the end of the world. You can submit it now. The company had no income or revenue. The IRS has a lot of other fish to fry.

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