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The point is that you don’t need common protocol. A bunch of language-specific protocols would have worked! It’s interesting to ask why that didn’t happen.

Is it really interesting? Every editor would have had to support a bunch of different protocols, instead of just one. That's back to square one.

But in fact that did happen. Several languages started to implement “editor neutral” code analysis and refactoring. That worked, for the most popular editor/language combinations, but not as a general solution because of N*M.

Can you please give a few examples?

OCaml (Merlin), Common Lisp (SWANK), Clojure (nREPL), Python (Jedi), even Idris 2 (its IDE Mode).

We can and do have both. LSP is a lowest-common-denominator protocol. Several languages have more-powerful language-specific protocols that can be wrapped with LSP, at the cost of some advanced features.

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