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It seems they fast prototyped unity using web.

There are two things that I can't stand about it on a real laptop:

1)When you maximize files folders, and it seems it is default, the desktop icons occlude the links on the file browser, and is SO UGLY.

2)My laptop hangs when I try to restore compiz with --restore. I really miss the 3d cube.

So I'm downloading fedora or anything that makes it usable again.

> So I'm downloading fedora or anything that makes it usable again.

Good luck with that - Fedora uses GNOME 3 by default.

It seems the only WM I'm personally happy with nowadays is XFCE.

I haven't used unity, so I'm curious - what's the problem(s) as you see it?

Have you used KDE at all? If so, why do you prefer XFCE? I'm asking because I really can't stand Unity and have made the switch to KDE, but I also looked at XFCE.

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