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Eight points for one team is two points for another team (lloydatkinson.net)
17 points by thunderbong on April 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Was already posted less than 24 hours ago

From the FAQ: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html

> Are reposts ok?

> If a story has not had significant attention in the last year or so, a small number of reposts is ok. Otherwise we bury reposts as duplicates.

It's not clear what "significant attention" menas, but the previous post only got 2 points a 3 comments, so I think a repost is fine.

EDIT: Are you the author? It's nice that two persons decided to post it. It looks like this is getting more traction.

Yeah I’m the author. Yes I suppose you’re right.

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