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> Hundreds! Doesn't everyone?

I certainly have. Interestingly, one was the same "sanity check" program for my internet connection, because of the same ISP you mention. Amazing coincidence...I don't think. :-)

I ginned up a "wait for the internet to come back up" script that repeatedly pinged something with one packet, and used the Mac 'open' command to play an mp3 file once the ping succeeded. Unsexy, but when you can't google up a better solution...

I made something similar but I used macos' `say` command instead :)

I like this idea. Some company that I may or may not work for either does or does not install malware on our computers, extending the boot sequence and something in the network layer that makes it take MINUTES for anything http to be usable, even after the DE is loaded. Would love to add such a script to my login’s boot sequence

Add another Comcast outage checker and logger to the pile. Used to call and hassle them for outage refunds regularly.

Chalk me up to that too. And my brother. Originally I'd used Ping Plotter. When I went 100% Linux I stopped using that. My brother ended up putting together a Grafana board tied to influxdb & infping and monitors several friend and family internet connections complete with alerts.

Here [0] is a screenshot of the Comcast cable connection from a year and a half ago. I have since switched to AT&T gigabit fiber. Here [1] is a screenshot from today.

[0]: https://knightoftheinter.net/img/20201102143900.png

[1]: https://knightoftheinter.net/img/Screenshot_20220413_171934....

I love that you are crowdsourcing data from several friends and family members. We need this for most of the SaaS world!

Hah. I did not realize that was an option. Should have been keeping track of downtime :)

I've written one too, if you count a simple shell alias for ping google.com

Comcast "service" has probably driven the creation of more trivial internet connection test programs than any college course in the world.

I get more calls from users of my apps that have Comcast as the access provider than any other, and by far. The first thing I do when they have connection issues is check downdetector.com

Mine uses notify-send to send a notification when connection is back up/ when connection goes down.

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