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I'm fairly fresh to this field, so hopefully someone else can come along and give a better answer. I just picked up an iCE40[1] and Cyclone IV dev board[2] and started hacking Verilog.

I know Verilog isn't the best option around, and I'm planning on moving onto something better but for now it was easy to get started, and from what I could see many of those better tools end up generating Verilog so would be nice to be able to debug that.

If you know how to think in logic-gate-terms then FPGAs won't be that difficult I suspect. Essentially either you have plain logic gates where the output is purely a function of the inputs, or you have edge-triggered logic thanks to flip-flops.

Just think of it as writing code that specifies how to wire up set of logic gates, muliplexers and flip-flops.

As a brief example, here's an excerpt from my very first ALU:

     wire [8:0] res_and;
     wire [8:0] res_xor;
     wire [8:0] res_add;
     assign res_and = (bus_a & bus_b);
     assign res_xor = (bus_a ^ bus_b);
     assign res_add = (bus_a + bus_b);
     always @(posedge clk)
       case (op_sel)
         OP_AND:  result <= res_and;
         OP_XOR:  result <= res_xor;
         OP_ADD:  result <= res_add;
         default: result <= 0;
Here "bus_a" and "bus_b" are wires (which may come from registers), while "result" is a register.

The wires don't hold state, while registers can. The <= means to latch the right side into the left side, in this case on a positive edge of clk. The case statement is just a multiplexer.

At least to me, it feels very much like "writing a circuit".

[1]: https://www.latticesemi.com/en/Products/DevelopmentBoardsAnd...

[2]: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32949281189.html

Have a look at this book https://cc-webshop.com/collections/books-electronics/product...

He designs a Z-80 from scratch, giving Verilog hints / good practice along the way. The design isn't 'complete' -- you have to learn what he's saying and add in the other parts.

It's not a 'trivial' book but if you want to Get Good -- recommended.

Thanks! I feel like I actually understand that verilog code! Do you ever see the "rendered" state on the FPGA, or is that all abstracted away?

Would you recommend one of those FPGAs over another? I know iCE40 from this amazing project (https://github.com/nickmqb/fpga_craft) so maybe I'll just get that!

I also want to refer you to this http://fpgacpu.org/ especially the XSOC links. Jan builds a complete SoC-on-a-FPGA in really 'ancient' fabric (4000-series Xilinx) for Circuit Cellar (articles available on this site). He also hacks a C compiler to emit code for his 16-bit RISC machine (which is very clever).

This is historical, but a 'must read' if you're new to this stuff.

I've posted a few examples here[1]. It's from the same ALU code that I had trimmed to give you an example. It just outputs some results to an RGB led.

It shows the logical view, the allocated blocks and the routing in Lattice Radiant IDE.

I haven't done much with the Cyclon IV yet, but I found the iCE40 very easy to get rolling with and the freely available tools have been great so far.

It's not a huge FPGA though so if you want to do large projects maybe consider something else. But as a starter I think it's been great.

[1]: https://imgur.com/a/ZaV9Wvr

I use the iCE40 with 8K LUTs. It's 'old' but the open-source chain is nice, the vendor-supplied chain is fine, and it's 'big enough' to do fairly serious stuff.

Like the subc compiler I mentioned, the tradeoffs working with an older FPGA like that are ok to me.

GL! p.s. I mostly used the TinyFPGA BX to learn about the iCE40, but it doesn't have enough pins to make even a semi-decent full machine (with wide memory bus) so I use the Lattice HX 8K dev board. It's also easy to use.

You can certainly inspect the synthesized primitives, either graphically post-place&route, or in a netlist which is usually a tangled mess.

Typically you're doing so either because you're curious, you're debugging a timing problem, or you're trying to make sure the toolchains inferred a particular primitive you are trying to use on purpose. It's not terrifically informative otherwise.

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