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FP and Memristors. What do you think the implications could be
4 points by VaedaStrike on Oct 8, 2011 | hide | past | favorite
I'm a relative noob to all things programming. But in the little time I've been here on HN I was floored when I listened to the almost hour long video on the HP Memristor story and realized that they now had a component that seemed to correlate perfectly with the nature of functional programming languages. Here's where he starts talking about it near the <a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKGhvKyjgLY&feature=player_detailpage#t=2275s>end of his talk</a>.<p>I'm curious as to what everyone thinks the impact of this will have vis a vis functional programming? What happens when the hardware has the capacity to both store data and perform logic and the programming language has no real distinction between it's data and logic?

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