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Show HN: PDF Annotator of Nightmares (github.com/oxplot)
25 points by oxplot on March 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Not too bad, actually!

A major drawback for me is that Inkscape can only open single pages (if you don't map PDF pages on layers — if I understand correctly, layers are already used for "overlaying" here).

That's why my favourite open source tool for PDF annotating is Xournal or it's even better fork Xournal++ (https://xournalpp.github.io/). It can easily import, annotate and export multi pages PDFs without any loss in quality or file size increase.

This tool takes care of multiple page PDF. You edit one page at a time but you can edit multiple pages of a PDF just fine and save it altogether.

Essentially, the only difference from a purpose built tool is that you jump around between Inkscape and the main window for each page editing.

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