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> America was founded in liberty.

Does this mean anything?

The way I see it, when I read the constitution, it is fairly clear that the government was engineered to be a sort of anti-government. Something put into place to fill the power vacuum to prevent other "real" (defined as pretty much every other government they were familiar with at the time) from moving in and taking control.

Of course, I'm an anarchist, so I might be projecting... I think they also failed miserably though, because they forgot about human nature. Noble attempt, worthy of some praise, but ultimately it failed. Neat parallel to those who say communism failed because it forgot to consider human nature I think ;)

So founded in liberty? Basically just describes the mindset of the designers. What they were going for.

Of course, I'm an anarchist, so I might be projecting..

You're totally projecting. The constitution is pro-liberty and anti-tyranny, but it isn't really anti-government. One example: Patent protection is in the constitution, not exactly an anti-government stance.

Liberty for some, I'd say. Just to give an example: Lots of the founding fathers were happily owning slaves.

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