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The Year 2000 (1967) (crummy.com)
13 points by walterbell on March 14, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

> New airborne vehicles (ground-effect machines, VTOL and STOL, super-helicopters, giant and/or supersonic jets)

This is marked a "miss", but ~20 years after the nominal deadline, electric multi-copter urban mobility wotsits are all the rage.

Many good guesses, but this one makes me wonder what the heck they had in mind:

"Human "hibernation" for short periods (hours or days) for medical purposes"

Was this some kind of research field in the 60's?

This one is actually a hit and it’s called a medically induced coma. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induced_coma

These are meaninglessly vague. It’s just “whatever there is now, but more”.

Beautiful, isn't it. Humanity truly are not the creative geniuses we mythologize ourselves as, but instead nature's supreme recombinators. Visions of the future are more like rorschach tests, revealing anxieties of the present.

There's loads on here that are listed as missed but actually are for real

How true does that hold if one considers the footer on that page: "It was last modified on Monday, September 15 2008"

Did the "actually for real" items come about in the last 14 years? Or are you saying that those items were for real in 2000?

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