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Linux from Scratch – LFS and BLFS Version 11.1 are released (linuxfromscratch.org)
86 points by neustradamus on March 7, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

    > The LFS system will be built by using an already installed Linux distribution
It would be totally cool if there wasn't a chicken-and-egg problem with LFS, imho. I've tried to cross-build it from OpenBSD but failed miserably.

https://trac.clfs.org/wiki/download if anyone else wants to attempt this

I have wanted to do this for many years. I start with NetBSD and try to use Linux emulation, i.e., install glibc or musl libraries under /emul/linux, then try to compile a small Linux kernel.

It is easy to compile NetBSD kernel on Linux but not vice versa. The significance of that if any is left as question for the reader.

I mean step 1 in LFS is building a cross compiler to build new build tools. Surely that should work even from a different operating system?

I tried to do it from MacOS once, but run into problems. Tried again with Docker, but run into problems again, but they weren't insurmountable, so I managed to do this thing: A docker image that makes building Linux From Scratch easy. It's fully commented, to promote understanding, which is the point of LFS. It, however, intends to automatize some of the groundwork needed, as I felt it wasn't strictly necessary for understanding.


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