If someone has graduated with a software degree, or gone through a bootcamp, or worked for many years in the field, or has their own Github projects — then that person can probably code.
A) It’s demonstrably not true. Work in the industry long enough and you’ll see for yourself.
B) This ends up in an even worse place. As bad as tech hiring is, it’s far better than legal hiring (for example). There it’s a matter of what law school you went to, your class rank, and if the interviewer likes you.
I’ve seen a million articles on why tech hiring is awful but none with novel or persuasive arguments about how to make it better.
To me it's a tool and it depends on what role your hiring for. If your looking for new grads and they've had an algorithm class recently why not to see if they've paid attention in class. It probably isn't a bad idea if your hiring for an algorithm based role. optimizing a large scale proprietary search or database.
But, if your hiring a crud dev there going to get bored with the job, be annoyed your organization puts customers over technology, and probably pissed their under paid.
A) It’s demonstrably not true. Work in the industry long enough and you’ll see for yourself.
B) This ends up in an even worse place. As bad as tech hiring is, it’s far better than legal hiring (for example). There it’s a matter of what law school you went to, your class rank, and if the interviewer likes you.
I’ve seen a million articles on why tech hiring is awful but none with novel or persuasive arguments about how to make it better.