It depends a lot on what your starting point is. That is, the approach will be different for someone who maybe isn't a programmer at all ATM, or for someone who has some experience with some other language, or has fairly extensive experience with other languages but none or little with JS. Or any other circumstances.
For someone with no programming experience at all, there are various opinions on what your first language should be, but in any case there's abundant material and courses that teach general programming using JavaScript.
For someone with programming experience but not JavaScript. Perhaps some of the stuff [1] written by Axel Rauschmayer may be good. Or maybe some other resources like "The Modern JavaScript Tutorial" [2] or this other one [3]. I used to recommend Eloquent JavaScript [4] also. I do think it is a good book, but feedback from various people indicates that is clearly not for everyone, so YMMV.
MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) is something you should keep at hand, but more as a reference than as a guide. It does have some learning guides [5], but in general I wouldn't recommend them that much. Still, do keep a link to the MDN as it is a very good reference to go look for specific explanations (sometimes).
All of those mentioned above will generally help you learn the language, which is what you should probably do first. My recommendation would be to have a first look at the links and choose something that matches your learning style. Still keep the others, since sometimes a combination of different explanations will make things easier to understand.
I haven't mentioned any libraries or frameworks. I know there are some courses out there which very quickly throw you into focusing on some framework or other. Personally, I would recommend against that, if your intention is to learn JavaScript well. At least initially.
There are also some "JavaScript Roadmaps" out there. I mean stuff that looks like this one [6] -but not that one, which is for frontend development in general-, a huge chart/list/map of concepts and ideas that are supposed to cover "everything you need to know". I would not recommend following those. While they look impressive and pretty, they can also feel overwhelming while not providing any particularly good path to follow.
For someone with no programming experience at all, there are various opinions on what your first language should be, but in any case there's abundant material and courses that teach general programming using JavaScript.
For someone with programming experience but not JavaScript. Perhaps some of the stuff [1] written by Axel Rauschmayer may be good. Or maybe some other resources like "The Modern JavaScript Tutorial" [2] or this other one [3]. I used to recommend Eloquent JavaScript [4] also. I do think it is a good book, but feedback from various people indicates that is clearly not for everyone, so YMMV.
MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) is something you should keep at hand, but more as a reference than as a guide. It does have some learning guides [5], but in general I wouldn't recommend them that much. Still, do keep a link to the MDN as it is a very good reference to go look for specific explanations (sometimes).
All of those mentioned above will generally help you learn the language, which is what you should probably do first. My recommendation would be to have a first look at the links and choose something that matches your learning style. Still keep the others, since sometimes a combination of different explanations will make things easier to understand.
I haven't mentioned any libraries or frameworks. I know there are some courses out there which very quickly throw you into focusing on some framework or other. Personally, I would recommend against that, if your intention is to learn JavaScript well. At least initially.
There are also some "JavaScript Roadmaps" out there. I mean stuff that looks like this one [6] -but not that one, which is for frontend development in general-, a huge chart/list/map of concepts and ideas that are supposed to cover "everything you need to know". I would not recommend following those. While they look impressive and pretty, they can also feel overwhelming while not providing any particularly good path to follow.