I am a fourth year student in Eastern Europe, studying Math and Economics. This is the final year, and I have 3-4 months till graduation. At the same time, I've been working full time as a Data Scientist at a big telecom company for the last several months. And I think it's not for me
The project here is interesting, but I realize that I do not like any of the "real" DS tasks, e.g. anything that involves actually building a model from the statistical standpoint. Now, I write a lot of SQL: the company has hundreds of billions of calling records, so you have to really think about the queries you write, and even if they are quite optimized I still sit here for a long time waiting for the response. And even that is more exciting than any of the statistical tasks I face
Little background: I started coding when I was 16, back then I built an iOS app using Swift to help me learn English vocabulary. After that, I've been coding as a hobby on the side during my studies. I liked mathematics and statistics as a freshman, and during my second year found out about Data Science. Given my background, I thought it would be a perfect fit for me. I built a few pet-projects using ML during my third year, and started applying. They impressed one of the employers (big bank), so these projects basically landed me my first internship, which led me to the current job
The thing I like the most is actually building stuff with my hands, and I think SWE is a better fit here. I guess this is the reason I never liked Kaggle. Also, most of my internship I spent building a simple web interface for the existing model (mostly back, like connecting to DB, transforming data, deploying to Linux, etc), which was 100% SWE task and I liked it. So there were hints along the way...
How would you recommend me to switch to SWE the fastest way possible?
I'm quite depressed now because I've put enormous effort into switching to DS: I applied to 80 job postings before I got my first internship, and I feel this is for nothing now. Also, my university and faculty considered to be really difficult, so studying DS on the side was brutal.
Besides, I live in Russia and want to relocate (for obv reasons), and feel like it's easier with SWE skills (especially given that I know English and in the process of receiving EU passport). This puts an enormous time pressure on me given how the things are playing out now...
I would appreciate any opinion/advice!
For most employers, just checking off the degree is more important than exactly what it is. This is especially true for software engineering. You will have many, many coworkers who have degrees in physics or bioinformatics or mathematics and work as SWEs. Most of their stories will be exactly the same as yours, although "...but there weren't any good paying jobs so..." will be in the running.