This is great. The project is great, GNU/Linux support is great. Hope this flies.
As for the price complaints, don't listen to them and price it as you see fit. It is your business, after all. If it costs too much for someone, they won't buy it, end pf story. Or they can get themselves some cheap(ish) metaware.
Thanks for your support. It is pretty cool to live in a society where people are free to "vote with their dollars" on projects that they like or don't like. If we had to convince 51% of the public (even the tech public) that this was a good idea in order to proceed, we would never be able to get off the ground. We just have to find a small number of people who agree it's cool (and can afford our high/early costs).
With that said, we understand that our product is very expensive and not affordable for everyone.[1] We've done as much as we can (within our constraints) to offer as low of a price as we can. This includes ditching Kickstarter to pass on an extra $100/unit of savings.[2] We hope to reduce costs with future iterations as we get more economies of scale and manufacturing know-how.
As for the price complaints, don't listen to them and price it as you see fit. It is your business, after all. If it costs too much for someone, they won't buy it, end pf story. Or they can get themselves some cheap(ish) metaware.