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Genesis from Another World: The Sega System C (nicole.express)
54 points by zdw on Feb 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

I am fairly sure that Bloxed ( https://wowroms.com/en/roms/acorn-archimedes/bloxed-1995stev... ) on the Archimedes was basically a re-run (maybe an explicit port? I haven't dug in to that, I'm too busy squeeing in gamer here rather than in history nerd) of Bloxeed - I definitely remember most of the same special blocks being there - and it makes an absolutely fantastic single machine two-player tetris plus.

Heh, at first I thought this would be a part of the "The Polygons of Another World" sequence [1].

[1] https://fabiensanglard.net/another_world_polygons/index.html

Nicole.express is one of the few blogs I check daily. It’s very fun to learn more about RGB graphics, JAMMA edge connectors, and 80s Japanese business blunders from a connoisseur.

What's the deal about the JAMMA edge connector? It was mentioned, but I don't have any context.

So an international connector (by virtual of early Japanese video game hardware dominance) standard between board and arcade cabinet? Whereas things that came before were custom?

yes. Of course nowadays interesting for collectors because you can get an adapter and then (relatively) easily use a wide range of boards with one setup.

What is happening on this website in Safari? It seems to load only the very top of the page and then it's just blank and the scroll bar indicator starts bouncing around. It's all normal when I open it in Chrome

Please let me know if you find the issue; I don’t think I’m running anything complex, it’s a wholly static site.

iOS Safari? Seems to load fine in Safari 15 on macOS.

15.2 on desktop. Weirdly it now works. I still get an exception about some resources I am not allowed to load, but it now works

Is there anything on this which doesn't exist on Mega Drive but could be ported to it like the Atomiswave games were ported to Dreamcast?

I've seen a port of the unreleased SegaSonic Bros., so it's definitely possible. Possibly more work than the Atomiswave ports? Not sure, but the System C is "farther" from the Mega Drive than the Atomiswave is from the Dreamcast.

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