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A combination of bad management (nobody set up that mentoring relationship), and insecurity on their part (I tried to do just that, but they wouldn't accept the help).

> New hires should not just be thrown a task, left alone and then be slandered two weeks later on hacker News when they get it wrong.

They were certainly not a new hire (they'd been at the company 7 years - if anything I was the new hire!), but I generally agree. My point was merely that while some people will easily transfer their skills to different languages and domains, this won't be true of everyone.

> They were certainly not a new hire (they'd been at the company 7 years - if anything I was the new hire!), but I generally agree.

That tends to make it harder. I've experienced quite a few people more "senior" than me (either age-wise or company-tenure-wise or both) who had trouble having the less-senior guy telling them things like suggesting different designs or code refactors. Some things were just not obvious why my suggestions were better, but they were based on experience with this particular technology. So they preferred to ignore the advice and run into the issues I and other colleagues had run into 3 years prior cause they didn't want to listen. Sadly, they didn't always have to live with the consequences since some of them moved on before the consequences became obvious, so we had to clean up the mess we were suggesting against in the first place.

Ok. That's a bit different. Somebody who has been at the company for 7 years should also have the sense to ask around. But you are also right. I've worked with mathematicians and PHD's much smarter in the domain than me who wrote spaghetti code and often couldn't see the point in good code hygiene.

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