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You are right KJV isn't easy understandable ... the NWT is easy to read

NWT also contains small changes to accommodate the Russellites' belief system.

I don't even speak English natively and can read KJV. I guess it just isn't more difficult than reading in foreign language in general.

Update: Samuel Johnson's dictionary helps with word definitions from 18th century. Noah Webster's dictionary is good too.

Does that even matter though? The KJV was written to best fit in with Christianity in that period of time and situtation. You won't find a Bible or any religious text without bias from those who are translating it.

The dynamics of the KJV were different. N competing Versions had caused divisions among the people, so the king ordered the making of one universal standard. The translation committee was aware of the goal and tried to avoid bias. Curiously it didn't result in N+1 competing Versions, but KJV was almost universally approved and many older Versions were retired. Readers have been content for over four centuries now.

In the case of NWT I think the bias matters because JWs deviate fatally from Christian orthodoxy.

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