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Uyghur kids recall physical and mental torment in Xinjiang (npr.org)
73 points by Panino on Feb 3, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Meanwhile, even this platform here continues to see plenty of accounts justifying or trying to explain away this deplorable behavior.

People here are too busy justifying their corporate overlord and billionaire of choice and getting cheap labor from Xinjiang to care.

The problem is, people have seen less proof of this "genocide" than of Iraq's WMDs. Trusting think tanks funded by the US defense industry is a bad idea to most normal thinking humans.

OH. Same here. Those Apple apologist. Apple could do no wrong. Elon Fans are slightly better. Apple is far worst because of how they try to tell you to perceive them. A proper word to describe them would be hypocrite.

Reminds me of kindergartens in Soviet Ukraine (early 80s, I was 4 yo). Speaking Ukrainian was forbidden, only Russian. Standing against the wall or facing the corner, stressful positions (sitting/standing with arms raised up), beating with rulers, forced feeding.

CCP didn't invent this; they just took all the tools from Russians.

That reminds me of the native boarding schools in Alaska and Canada.

> [children were] malnourished and traumatized. They had also forgotten how to speak their mother tongues, Uyghur and Turkish.

Ugh. I expect this will bite the Chinese Government in the ass. Generations of people who know they have had their ethnic identities stolen, so another group of people can profit from this imposition.

Glad we have an open internet to report and record these occurrences, at the least for history's sake.

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