In Safari 15.2, everything is rounded down. 1/2 = 0, 8/9 = 0.
Also, it's not possible to type decimal numbers and have them displayed, although it appears they are actually being used internally. Initially, the "." button is disabled. If you press 0, then the "." button is enabled, disappears when clicked (good up to here), but then clicking any of the numbers don't change the display. So, typing "0.9 + 0.9" will look like "0 + 0" and will equal 1 (which is 1.8, rounded down). Also, if you click enough numbers, the numbers are disabled (as usual). So, the displayed state isn't matching the internal state, it appears.
I should be able to fix the rounding errors. I should disable the decimals completely in safari as my method of getting decimals isnt supported yet. (@property).
Ah so there is, thanks! I suppose at the time I wasn't so interested (I have a calculator) but by the end of the post I wanted to see it all come together, and unless I missed that too there isn't a link there.
Rather than just using the formerly-ubiquitous but now rare beast (I think I saw exactly one last year), a reset button:
<input type="reset" value="C">
To keep the CSS simple (!), you could even keep using the label (though ditch the <a> wrapping) and just chuck an invisible <input type=reset id=reset> in with the radio buttons, if you really want. Then the label would dangle no more.
How long before all these CSS tricks come together to make a easily abusable injection mechanism? I know the `url()` mechanism is already abusable, but what about a small VM executed via `var` and `calc`?
Create an html page with notepad, click on it, maybe tel Windows to open it with a browser (same or similar with most Linux desktops). It does execute in-page JS scripts too, at the very least.