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> residual neurocognitive deficits were observed in heavy cannabis-using youths

Emphasis on youth.

Tl;dr clickbait headline, don’t let your kids smoke a lot of pot, if that wasn’t already obvious.

Woah, it's a meta-analysis. So, you're definitely not going to get a good summary in 10 words.

Early use of cannabis was correlated with worse outcomes, but those who started later in life were still associated with deficits in the studies surveyed.

> To conclude, meta-analytical data on the acute effects of cannabis use on neurocognitive function have shown that cannabis intoxication leads to small to moderate deficits in numerous cognitive domains, most notably executive functions, verbal learning and memory and processing speed. These acute impairments are in accordance with the residual effects that have been documented in several meta-analyses suggesting that the detrimental effects of cannabis persist beyond the period of acute intake.


> Additionally, as youths remain particularly susceptible to the effects

Are both in their conclusion and paint a more complete tl;dr.

This tracks with what I’ve heard. We’ve known for years that cannabis negatively affects children (or at least that’s what I’ve seen plastered on the news for years). If this study didn’t control for age, then it’s not news to me.

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