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Wordlebrain: Wordle Game Cheat Tool (github.com/jp-fosterson)
8 points by jp57 on Jan 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Very nice.

I would say that in my attempts I don't try to fill in the correct word 6 times. Once I have information about a letter position I try to make guesses that give me information on other letters and that don't give me information I already know.

Eg. If I know A is in the word and not on position n3, I'll try to make a word which maximize the number of other unknown letters in the word and maybe I'll try A in position n5.

If I know A is in position n3 I won't put A in the other guesses at all and try to guess other vowels first and then consonants, until I know the word.

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