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One of the great joys of my freshman-year humanities sequence was reading the Zhuangzi, and I still have the book we used on my shelf. I'm not an expert of the Chinese of that era, but I've heard the original is extremely vibrant and playful, so choosing the right translation is critical if you're reading the text for the first time.

Here's one of the more famous passages from the Zhuangzi as told in the translation we used (The Essential Chuang Tzu, by Sam Hamill and J. P. Seaton):

> Long ago, Chuang Chou dreamed he was a butterfly fluttering among trees, doing as he pleased, completely unaware of a Chuang Chou. A sudden awakening, and there, looking a little out of sorts, was Chuang Chou. Now, I don't know whether it is Chou who dreamed he was a butterfly, or whether a butterfly dreams he's Chuang Chou. But between Chuang Chou and the butterfly, we ought to be able to find some sort of distinction. This is what's known as Things Changing.

Reminded me of a song from Brazilian singer Raul Seixas "O conto do sábio chinês" (a tale about the wise Chinese)[0]. I stopped to actively search about the meaning / sources of many of his songs and let the dots connected naturally.

Today one more line has formed.

[0] https://youtu.be/9Co4ORFSBlQ

Thanks for picking such a striding passage. I may would have otherwise passed it over.

Here is another passage I love. I hope you enjoy it:


I'm really happy to see ZhuangZi show up on HN and a good reminder to go back and re-read his work from time to time.

I decided to take you up on that vicariously and spent most of the evening reading my copy again. How refreshing it is!

I'm sure you have your own copy, but here is my transcription of the story about Ting the cook from chapter 3:


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