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For more than a year I've been trying to get it clear to my boss that I'm too stressed and need a less chaotic workplace. The last months I've had constant headache and fuzzy vision. I checked my blood pressure and it was 180/95. Ten months earlier when I last checked it it was 130/83. On medication now, but my heart beats so hard sometimes I think I need more medication.

When I told my boss about this, he said the usual friendly words about I need to do what I must and that he was relieved the problem was found. I nearly exploded when I read that and told him that high blood pressure is the symptom, the cause is my workplace. Got no good answer to that. I spoke to someone more senior than me and it seems hopeless to resolve this without leaving, so that's what I'm going to do. Leave, and start my own company.

I can't work for someone who lacks empathy and is dangerous to my life.

> Leave, and start my own company.

I don't think that's going to be less stressful... Good luck though!

It's a different kind of stress though. I'd say, go for it. You probably won't get it right on the first attempt. It's really good to have some cash saved. And be open to getting back to work for a company while you try. Best wishes to you!

Yeah I think many who’ve been in bad work situations like this don’t realize that not every company is like that. There are sane employers and teams out there that treat each other with respect. Please take that into consideration before going the other extreme of trying to start your own company, unless that’s always been a goal of yours

I imagine the sources of stress would be very different which may help. The increased agency may also help. Different people respond differently to different types of stress, I think.

No joke. When I was founding a startup, I went cave diving on the weekends to relax.

I'd suggest leaving and taking a break until your health issues are under control. Serious stress takes some time to work through the system. Be well!

Feel free to message me if you’re interested in strong work life balance and interesting work!

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