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> The Yerkes–Dodson law refers to an inverted U-shaped relationship between performance and arousal, where performance increases with arousal, but only up to a certain point.

The quest to discover and apply "laws" like this courts disaster or disruption because people are neurodiverse. ADHD people respond to deadlines in a completely different way to non ADHD - sometimes inversely, sometimes obversely, and so require different management. Same but different with autistic spectrum people, introverts, extroverts, bipolar, insomnia, sleep apneates, diabetics and long covids.

It may be tempting to dismiss neurodiversity as a fringe consideration and just assume most people are "normal", but their circumstances, both in the workplace and beyond it, may complicate Yerkes-Dodson as much as neurodiversity whilst evading detection by managers and systems.

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