Every time there is a post here related to Firefox, I see a lot of people complaining about the state of browsers and the utterly dominance of Chrome and Chromium based browsers.
I’m wondering if that are technical reasons why the newish browsers (such as Brave or Edge) are choosing Chromium instead of Firefox as their starting point.
If so, shouldn’t this be a priority for Mozilla to change that?
Servo isn't a finished rendering engine yet and the browser I saw that could exclusively use servo was not compliant enough and since mozilla fired the servo team there is no certain future for it anymore. Projects that tried to make servo embeddable are all dead and gone (see https://github.com/paulrouget/servo-embedding-example for example)
So yeah last time I tried to use gecko I failed and didn't try again (years ago) nobody is willing to do the work and mozilla seems to focus more on other stuff...