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I wonder what the kids shadow report cards show. They must have thousands of data points and extrapolated scores. The poor trusting children and their parents are required to answer tests and forms honestly. They likely do not know how this data can probably follow them for the rest of their lives as it is sold to university and corporate recruiters. Many of us well off adults wrangle with protecting our own privacy, but the most vulnerable are too busy working and studying to contend with this crime.

Don't they say, "This will go down on your permanent record"?

They just don't mention that it'll be used figure out what jobs, credit, prices you'll be able to get... and what ads you're served along the way.

"Congratulation on those bootstraps, would you like some fine Corinthian polish for them?", or

"Mom and Dad always said you'd never amount to anything, this payday loan will prove them wrong!".

Well said. This is a crime!

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