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> They have to put in a lot of time and resources to rediscover closely guarded secrets that are almost impossible to reverse engineer

yes, they have to repeat all that work, they have to solve all those solved problems again because companies that solved the problems won't share their solutions.

>they have to solve all those solved problems again because companies that solved the problems won't share their solutions.

...because those solutions are the company's competitive advantage that China has tried to steal for years on end now? Not to mention in many instances those 'solutions' are owned by or access controlled by the parent country of said company, many of which view China as at the least a bad faith actor, and at the worst an inevitable opponent?

Pretending China hasn't engaged in the world's largest industrial espionage campaign over the last two decades, and then victim blaming the companies involved for not "sharing their solutions" with China is a perverse form of logic.

Why would a company share its trade secrets? It's one of the few differentiators left to most companies. Not to mention the national security arguments.

> Why would a company share its trade secrets?

indeed, I wish I could answer this.

> Not to mention the national security arguments.

it is an inteserting excercise to consider this from the rival's point of view

The rival's point of view is utterly irrelevant.

that's a terrible tactic. consider as an example playing chess while disregarding what your opponent may do.

Not just companies, but the Russians were pissed after China copied some of their jet military tech. They were angry enough that they stopped supplying them with military jet turbine parts for awhile, which really tripped things up for the Chinese because they can't produce their own at the same level (they can make fast, they can make economical, but they can't make both yet).

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