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> You sound..

Is sounds entitled b/c you paraphrased it uncharitably.

I didn't ask for "any spec" - there's a big (Hippocratic) difference between dictating what form something comes in, and asking that it do no harm. A poison cupcake, much like a poorly secured software, could wipe out any benefit it brings.

Also, I'm not demanding anything: feel free not to produce anything; But if you do, make it reasonably secure, or clearly/explicitly communicate that is it insecure; in the same way websites are (supposed) to seek permissions for cookies rather than assume them.

The context of "or Microsoft won" is that MS pushed the idea that FOSS could not be trusted without legal liability - this essentially makes that case.

I provided a few example of where people are expected to do things without being paid, do you also refuse to do those things?

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