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Golang is great for lambda - you compile in the entire lambda runtime and end up with a single 20MB executable that does everything needed. Other runtimes have a couple hundred megabytes of overhead for the lambda runtime and AWS SDK (though you don’t see the overhead unless your doing the ECR based lambdas). The part I’ve always struggled with is cloudformation only lets you inline 4K of code. The underlying api allows for payloads of up to 50mb before you have to pull from S3 or ECR, would love to see a little more flexibility - otherwise you have a lot of overhead to setup ci/cd pipelines and signal lambda to update from another source.

What I've started doing (and how I cover it in the book) is using the CDK to build and deploy the Lambda code. The `GoFunction`[0] construct handles building and deploying the code, so you don't have to set anything up manually.

Underneath it still happens by way of S3 & CloudFormation, but the CDK abstracts away a lot of the details, which makes it quite convenient to use.

[0] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/docs/aws-lambda-g...

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