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In 7, you can hold Alt and press up (parent), left (back), right (next).

AFAIK Alt was same since WinXP but can't confirm.

Ctrl is right now used for doing multiple selections in folders.

Thanks for the reply. The ALT-up-keyboard opens the parent folder, yes... but I was referring to the fact that CTRL-click a folder would open a New Explorer Window leaving the current one untouched. The CTRL-{up_toolbar_icon} used to open the parent folder in a New Explorer Window leaving the current window open as well. Was great when you needed to go up a level and open a sibling folder without closing the current explorer window. There is no quick way to do this in Vista / Win7 because you can't CTRL-{open parent} in a new window anymore. What should have worked would have been CTRL-ALT-{keyboard arrow} (up, left, right) to open the parent/previous/next folder in a new window but that doesn't work. Anyhow, I do realize these are just nit-picks of power users.

It's not a nit-pick. There are a limited number of key combinations available and a user interface should try to be as consistent, with what users are expecting, as possible.

Ctrl + Click is one of those shortcuts that should be standardized; in addition to middle click - these "links" should always open in a new tab/window.

In Windows 7, Control-double-click on a non-selected folder works (opens the folder in a new window). If the folder you're clicking on is selected when you double click, it will just become un-selected then selected. What a mess.

Now I see what you mean, I didn't even know that feature.

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