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Imo, this is the level of discourse we need on vaccine efficacy, risk, and data. It's funny and demonstrates some mastery of the concept of the sample bias behind it.

When 80% of the population is vaccinated, the base rate of dying of anything at all carries over with them as people change their own status from one category to the next, creating a false causality link between the base rate of dying anyway and their status change to vaccinated. I'd say now do covid and its variants, but regardless, well done.

We need smarter and more compelling people making these cases for important things instead of feeding lines to actors and poli-sci bureaucrats on television. The hardest part of the pandemic I think will have been establishments everywhere realizing that people thought they were too dumb to be believed. One of my favorite Holzer truisms is, "A lack of charisma can be fatal," and I when I look at how this has played out, it's because the people announcing information and policies couldn't be taken seriously by 30%+ of the population even when they were telling the truth - which, unfortunately, was less than the whole time as well.

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