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I don't understand any of this.

If I want to play super duper games I'll hook up the gaming console directly to my non-smart TV through HDMI.

If I want to play retro games or other bullshit that can run on an RPI 4, I'll hook a controller directly up to the RPI 4.

If I want to use my trackpad and keyboard of my laptop in lieu of having a remote control, I use x2x to shuttle my events to the RPI 4, open Chromium on the RPI 4, and then watch netflix or whatever junk from a full-screen browser window. This is the only place I sometimes get lag, but that's just to start a video playing so it doesn't matter.

AFAICT I'm missing the 4k output that apparently requires some model of TV that ships with smart-tv adware. Outside of that I don't see any costs.

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