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Well, let’s just add that TruffleJS, a js implementation in java which is part of the Graal project (which is a java interpreter written in java, running on top of java) can achieve comparable speeds to V8 for long running tasks (java’s JIT compilers “turn on” later than js’s because one has to be quite fast as soon as possible while the other has to be really fast but can warm up a bit more).

There is a slight trick here, because this java interpreter uses a few special JIT optimizations, but it is still 100% java code (and the clever reuse of the engineering marvel what the JVM is). (Also, do check out the Graal project, its AOT compilation may be the least interesting part! It can even inline python code into js and optimize them together!)

Also, Java will soon get virtual threads that will automagically become non-blocking, even if they are written with blocking code (similarly to go). Currently in incubator mode is the Vector API which let’s people write really low level SIMD code that can cleverly query the processors capabilities and will even safely fallback to for loops on ineligible CPUs. FFI will greatly improve also with project Panama, so libs like tensorflow can get better integration into the JVM.

And last but not least, Valhalla is coming with value types. Yeah, it won’t happen for a few years still, but once it does, there will hardly be a platform as performant as the JVM. So, while we have heard it plenty of times how java will soon die, I think it’s future is brighter than ever.

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