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Where did you play it, and on what system? There might be people here who would recognize it. Another good place to ask is https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/

The other lost game that I played around 1977 on a PDP 11 at General Electric Research Lab is called bloodbath. It was written entirely in Pascal and I have snippets of the source code across multiple files but not the whole thing. We managed to find references to one University professor who recognized the other names but had no clue that a game had ever arisen from it. It was your standard dungeon crawl except that much like this game you could expand it. It's also chock full of in jokes between its authors and I'm not sure I was supposed to be playing it but that was over 40 years ago so I guess the statute of limitations has long since run out.

They sound really interesting. Good luck!

I believe on a PDP-11 at Clarkson college in New York state.

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