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React is a prime example of fast-change (even though not so fast as angular did). Since 2014, they changed their main programming paradigm 3 times (mixins/make*, real ES6 classes, now hooks). Then there was state management; first Flux, later Redux, then MobX became fashionably while today I start React projects without any state library and just use the stable context API + hooks. And let alone the plentheora of major changes in ReactRouter, which only became somewhat stable at version 4.

> Then there was state management; first Flux, later Redux, then MobX

Redux and Mobx are not part of React. The Flux pattern is still valid and is an inherent part of writing React code?

> ReactRouter

This is also not part of React.

> today I start React projects without any state library

Is this a hot take? The creator of Redux literally said "Don't use Redux until you have problems with vanilla React." https://twitter.com/dan_abramov/status/699241546248536064

Not sure if you are trolling or just not long enough into the game, but pre-hooks/stable context era you'd hit the problems with vanilla React pretty quickly. From my experience back in the day, everbody was using some sort of state container and to some extend today, still is right from the get go.

Yes, I know, none of the libs are part of React and react is not a framework, but by now everybody knows that and uses React as a synonym for the React ecosystem. I have yet to see the enterprise project that didn't use either a state container or other parts from the react ecosystem such as react-router, react-intl, material-ui, CRA and the likes. Like it or not, React is an ecosystem, and fast changing one if you are in the field.

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